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Terence Higgins Trust

Terence Higgins Trust

Established in 1982, Terrence Higgins Trust is a leading provider of high quality HIV, Hep C and sexual health services.

We provide information and advice to young people and adults about HIV, Hep C and sexual health and offer a range of services including one to one support, group work, sexual health checks, counselling and education.

We campaign for a world where people with blood borne viruses live healthy lives, free from prejudice and discrimination, and we promote good sexual health as a right and reality for all.

Alongside a range of community based HIV, Hep C and sexual health testing options, our team in Ayrshire offer dedicated support for people living with HIV and/or Hep C, particularly in terms of accessing medical treatment. We take a holistic approach, working with individuals to build a personal care plan, ensuring other needs like help with benefits, housing and connection into recovery networks are also addressed.