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About Us

About Us

East Ayrshire Recovery Network

Supporting people in recovery from problematic alcohol and drug misuse in across East Ayrshire.

Sharing training, resources, knowledge and best practices

Facilitating links between groups and services

Promoting and encouraging recovery

Strengthening the voice of recovery by increasing visibility for groups and service providers

Who are we?

The East Ayrshire Recovery Network was established in February 2020 with the purpose of bringing recovery focused groups across East Ayrshire together. This website provides an accessible central point for anyone looking for information on how to begin their journey to recovery.

Our aims are to:

  • Share training, resources, knowledge and best practices
  • Facilitate and encourage work between groups and services
  • Increase visibility of recovery activities in the area
  • Improve opportunities to promote recovery in the area
  • Strengthen the voice of recovery
  • Provide a platform to present ideas relating to delivery of recovery activity and strategy to decision making bodies



