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Bringing together recovery organisations and helping people overcome issues with drug and alcohol. East Ayrshire Recovery Network Find a service WelCome to E.A.R.N.

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Bringing Recovery Groups Together

Helping People Overcome Drug & Alcohol Problems

Promoting Recovery in East Ayrshire

Supporting people to overcome problematic alcohol and drug misuse and promoting recovery

EARN was founded in 2020 to act as a forum to bring various recovery groups and organisations across East Ayrshire together. EARN will facilitate the sharing of ideas, resources and knowledge among groups with similar goals and help to promote recovery in the area. We will also act as a platform to present ideas relating to delivery of recovery activity and strategy to decision making bodies.

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Bringing recovery groups and organisations together.

EARN was established in February 2020 with the purpose of bringing recovery focused groups across East Ayrshire together. This website provides an accessible central point for anyone looking for information on how to begin their journey to recovery.

Naloxone – Reversing the effects of overdose.

Naloxone is a prescription medication that is used to temporarily reverse the effects of opioids and opiates. Naloxone blocks the opioid receptors in the brain. It can reverse the effects of overdose for approximately 20-40 minutes until emergency services arrive.